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Top Construction Blogs for 2017

Today, there are so many resources to learn more about the ever-expanding construction industry.  From researching the new developments in the industry to looking at case studies of previous projects, the construction industry as a whole provides it all.  With so many great companies providing great content, it is tough to narrow down the best of the best.  

Modular Building Institute

First, the number one name in the modular construction industry, the Modular Building Institute, has a page that’s not necessarily a blog, but it is an amazing resource for someone trying to learn about modular construction.  Their Modular in the News page has dozens of notable articles relating to the industry going back nearly 10 years.  Everything from giant apartment complexes to United States military is covered in the articles, including many success stories on companies saving time and money through modular construction.

Lean Construction Blog

The Lean Construction Blog combines two of the things that Panel Built loves most: a fervor to eliminate waste and improve the way the world builds.  As a nonprofit blog, Lean Construction sole purpose is to promote the use of lean construction all across the globe.  They provide a variety of construction information for industry experts to study and learn from.  With case studies, notes on construction best practices, and a platform to promote new industry ideas, the blog provides a place where the cutting edge of the construction can be found and discussed. 

Construction Dive

Construction Dive is on the forefront of construction news as a whole, but they also provide a lot of great info on the modular construction industry.  Covering the construction industry and providing original analysis every day, Construction Dive offers a lot of clear and insightful info on construction in nothing flat.  Overall, as one of the leading voices of the construction industry, Construction Dive offers an incredible amount of clear and interesting info on the modular construction industry. 

For Construction Pros

For Construction Pros has a blog that is filled with informative and helpful posts. They provide professional insight to some of the most troubling problems in the construction industry. They offer suggestions to improve the construction industry as a whole like getting more construction workers in the workforce and spotlight new innovations that could impact the industry. They let you stay up to date on the latest construction trends with articles on construction's current events and projects.

Let's Fix Construction

The Let's Fix Construction blog takes contributions from industry experts all across the globe in order to offer solutions in the construction world.  Their main issue with the construction industry is that too often there are many complaints but with no one, offering to fix the problem.   The blog sets out to offer a variety of perspectives on the industry, in order to provide a common ground for everyone. All posts are unsponsored, and all of their content is 100% provided via volunteers.

Construction Junkie

Construction Junkie offers a variety of content relating to the construction industry. With everything from cutting edge to projects to videos of construction tools, they provide numerous ways for you to scratch your construction itch. Plus, they provide new content just about every single day. The construction junkie blog has also been recognized as one of the top construction blogs on the web via feed spot. Additionally, they provide updates on OSHA codes and regulations to keep construction professionals up to date on current guidelines.