Panel Built, Inc.
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2658
Blairsville Ga 30514
Physical Address:
302 Beasley St
Blairsville Ga 30512
Phone: 800.636.3873
Contact Panel Built, Inc.
Panel Built, Inc. Headquarters
Panel Built Production Facilities
~30,000 Sq. Ft. Mezzanine Facility: 302 Beasley St., Blairsville Ga 30512
~20,000 Sq. Ft. Mezzanines/Towers Facility: 303 Beasley St., Blairsville, GA 30512
~20,000 Sq. Ft. Pre-Assembled Facility: 244 Industrial Blvd., Blairsville, GA 30512
~70,000 Sq. Ft. Wall Panel/Prefab Facility: 1506 Ballewtown Rd., Blue Ridge, GA 30513
~60,000 Sq. Ft. Steel Buildings Facility: 193 Mauney Rd., Blairsville GA30512
~70,000 Sq. Ft. Wall Panel Facility: 347 N Industrial Park Dr. Etowah, TN 37331
Over 25 Years of Modular Excellence!
Since 1995, Panel Built, Inc. has provided modular structures to Fortune 500 companies, US Armed Forces, Universities, and small businesses all across the United States and Internationally. In that time, Panel Built has had the honor of completing over 10,000 modular construction projects. Every day our mission is, "To Solve Our Customers' Space Needs With Excellence and Great Customer Service," and we hope to have the honor of serving you as well!