Project Of Month

Project Picture of the Month - December 2012
This month’s winner is a 10′ x 20′ exterior building on top of a 20′ x 30′ galvanized tower which stands 40′ tall on the coast of California. This project was sold by our tower specialist Kevin Thomsen back in October of 2011.
The 40′ tall tower was designed for Seismic 4 conditions and wind ratings of over 90 mph. Complete with public address system, lightning protection, and firing platforms, this tower was completed by a Panel Built installation crew in about 2 weeks.
The range tower with building stands over 50 feet high and overlooks the Pacific Ocean. It sits atop a mountain and can be seen 5-10 miles away, especially in the morning when the sun is reflected off the galvanized steel. The tower is utilized by the Military to oversee a variety of live fire training exercises. The tower was built in two weeks, required 100 hours of welding and a 65 ton crane to set the main steel and bracing.