Project Of Month

March Winner – Pre Assembled Guard House
on Galvanized Steel Tower
This project was sold by our tower specialist, Kevin Thomsen, in August 2011.
Completely prefabricated by Panel Built, Inc. this range tower features a 16’x16′ pre-assembled exterior building which was crane-lifted atop the 30′ galvanized steel tower.
Despite consistently high winds and a snow storm, a Panel Built installation crew completed the project in about four weeks.
This month’s pictures were taken by Bob Gainer of Sunrise Construction. He will receive $25 for his efforts.
Thank You,
Every month we have a contest for the best photo of a recent Panel Built project. This contest is open to everyone, including our customers, distributors and our install crews. The winner receives a $25 gift card.
If you have some great pictures of a recent project by Panel Built, send your digital image to for your chance to win!
Good Luck!
Pictures become the property of Panel Built, Inc. and may be used in future marketing endeavors.