Project Of Month

14′ x 14′ Platform Office
This month’s winner is a 14′ x 14′ platform office sold to a Mid-West aerospace company by Atlantic Rack & Shelving. This manufacturing observation area stands 48″ off of the ground thanks to a cold-rolled mezzanine by Panel Built and features 34″ knee walls created by full-length panels which actually wrap around the internal mezzanine.
The office also includes standard counter tops on all sides, one set of access stairs, and protective barrier rail around the structure. From purchase order to completion, this job took approximately two months.
Panel Built, Inc. would like to thank Juan Duque for providing this picture. Juan will recieve a $25 gift card for his efforts! If you have any pictures of a recently completed Panel Built project, please send them to for your chance to win! (All pictures become property of Panel Built, Inc. and may be used in future marketing efforts)