Project Of Month

The Project of the Month for February 2017 goes to this 50′ x 22′ steel mezzanine! A large Michigan car dealership, Felman Automotive, realized they had a storage problem. They had run out of space to store their large parts. Adding to their existing building was a limited option and quite expensive. Panel Built and our local dealer worked with Gary Letkemann, VP of Fixed Operations, in reviewing an idea that Gary had developed.
The idea was to build a mezzanine over work bays in the auto body repair shop. The main problem was not to interfere with any existing workspace. Loss of any this area would create a very costly problem, and there were existing electrical lines, air lines, and exhaust pipes to consider in planning the layout of the mezzanine. Panel Built, inc. was able to design a mezzanine with a 50 ft beam span in order to address their strict space needs. Additionally, column locations had minimal interference with their work area. The dealership now has the necessary space for storage and inflicted no loss of revenue in the production of the new storage space.