Project Of Month

CH2M Polar Services (CPS) contracted with Panel Built to design and supply a warehouse mezzanine for installation at National Science Foundation’s Greenland Summit Station, which is located near the apex of the Greenland ice sheet. The physical altitude of the site is 10,600’ above sea level, where wind speeds exceeding 100 mph have been recorded and temperatures range from approximately 30°F to -76°F. Given the unique and remote location, resources and the ability to correct for defaults is limited; any issues with design or fit-up can have significant cost and schedule impacts. Given this, CPS and Panel Built completed a test-build of the mezzanine at Panel Built’s location in Blairsville, GA prior to shipment to the field.
The mezzanine was shipped to Scotia, NY where it was flown by the 109th New York Air National Guard to Summit Station Greenland via LC-130 aircraft. The mezzanine was installed by CPS in an insulated warehouse on schedule. The team credited the test-build at Panel Built and the diligence with packaging to the successful build on-site without incident. The 17′ x 29′ mezzanine will be used to support utility equipment and an office for the Station.