Project Of Month

17′ x 48′ Storage & Training Mezzanine
April’s Project of the Month award goes to this blue and yellow mezzanine delivered through Power And Motion! The system provides 800+ sq. ft. of additional storage space and training space for their customer’s facility. The mezzanine needed to be fit into a rather tight space, fitting into a corner of the building, against three walls. Additionally, the mezzanine required a custom column layout in order to fit around existing doors and electrical panels in the corner of the building.
You may notice from the picture, the mezzanine’s columns have larger baseplates than normal. To ensure the appropriate baseplate size for the platform, Power And Motion did core samples of the foundation. Besides a couple of unique circumstances, Mike Strapp stated, “The job was fairly straight forward…As always, Panel Built made as many revisions to the system as needed to get the customer the solution he wanted.”
Thanks to Mike Strapp and our friends at Power And Motion for their great work to make the project a success! If you have photos of a recently completed Panel Built project, send them to for your chance to be the Project of the Month and win a $25 Gift Card!

Underside of Mezzanine Platform