Project Of Month

16′ High Recreation Yard Observation Tower
December’s Project of the Month belongs to this steel tower system delivered to the Florida Department of Corrections for the Jackson Correctional Facility. The Burea Chief of Construction, William Gravely noted, “This tower is manned by Florida DOC officers during outdoor recreation periods at the Institution. A small metal shelter was added after installation by DOC staff, but the tower was easy to install and works perfectly for its intended use.”
The platform itself is a simple 6’x8′ rectangle with a bar grated decking system with an IBC stair system leading up to the platform. The 16′ high tower includes cross-bracing in various areas to help reinforce the structure.
Big thanks to William Gravely, RA with the Florida Department of Corrections for the fantastic photos and for helping ensure this project was a great success. If you have photos of a recently completed Panel Built project, send them to for your chance to be the Project of the Month and win a $25 Gift Card!