Mezzanine Safety Gates | Material Gates
Mezzanine Safety Gates are designed to provide a safe, convenient way for customers to load and off-load materials, equipment, and machinery from their new mezzanine platform. These gates accomplish this by keeping the mezzanine barrier railing closed at all times unless the material is actively being loaded onto the platform. Keeping the area closed off helps prevent fall accidents within the facility.

Pivot Gates
The Pivot Gate also referred to as a “Safety Gate,” allows for the safe loading and unloading of goods by ensuring the mezzanine is always walled off. When the gate is lifted to unload goods, the other end of the gate will be lowered ensuring that the mezzanine never has an open area.

Swing Gates
Panel Built's Swing Gate allows for convenient mezzanine access. The swing gate system can be provided in single or double swing gate design with a latch to keep the gate closed. The Swing Gate are generally designed to swing inward in order to ensure employees can safely operate the system atop the mezzanine deck.

Slide Gates
Similar to our Lift Out and Swing Gates, our Slide Gate acts as a handrail until the mezzanine needs to be loaded or unloaded, but then the section can be rolled along the edge of the adjacent railing. This gate type allows for a convenient opening while not restricting the work area.

Lift Out Gates
Our Lift Out Gate allows for the convenient removal of a handrail section in order to easily move goods off of the mezzanine. This system acts like a normal piece of handrail until it needs to be removed, and, as the name suggests, all is needed to remove it is to lift it out of its side mount.